Creature Feature Encyclopedia: Aves
Purple Gallinule
Porphyrio porphyrio
The Purple Gallinule is a chicken-sized swamp bird. It nests in reeds along the edge of swamps and lakes in southern Spain, Portugal, and the island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean. Its duck-like bill helps it to uproot tasty tender shoots of swamp plants, while the gallinule's gargantuan feet allow it to wade in deep water and hop over slippery lily pads. The gallinule walks much like a heron due to its lanky legs. It raises each foot all the way out of the knee-deep water before placing it down again. This careful motion makes it appear as if the bird is perpetually stalking something. The Purple Gallinule emits weird shrieking and hooting sounds as well.
~A Fly in the Sky © 1996