Creature Feature Encyclopedia: Crustaceans
Southern Kelp Crab
Taliepus nuttallii
The Southern Kelp Crab lives in forests of giant kelp that grow along the coasts of California, Brittany, and South America. The kelp crab occupies the mid-water and upper portion of the plant, where it finds food and protection in the dense growth. More than 800 species of marine animals can live in one healthy forest of giant kelp. A single plant may sustain more than a million organisms. The kelp plant, when harvested and processed, prevents crystals from forming in ice cream and gives paint and toothpaste a creamy texture. Extracts from brown kelp are found in over 300 products used by people. Fortunately, giant kelp recovers rapidly from harvesting, growing one to two feet every day.
~A Swim through the Sea © 1994