Creature Feature Encyclopedia: Osteichthyes
Queen Angel Fish
Holacanthus ciliaris
"Angelfish are named for their wide, wing-like fins. Among the many colorful species, the queen angelfish, like this one, are by far the most spectacular. Queen angelfish live in the warm tropical waters of the western Atlantic. They are active during the day, when their brilliant markings provide excellent camouflage against the colorful coral reefs. At night they hide in rock crevices. Their flat bodies allow them to slip easily through gaps in the coral. Some angelfish may be as small as your hand; others are large as this book. To eat, they use their strong teeth to pull off pieces of sponge, coral, and microscopic plants called algae. Like parrots, swans, and a few other animals, angelfish mate for life."
~A Swim through the Sea © 1994