Choosing a Topic What am I going to write about? Do I get to choose my subject or is it an assignment?
Researching and Taking Notes How much do I know about my subject? Am I writing fiction or non-fiction?
Deciding on a Format Who will read my book? Will it have pictures? How many pages will it have?
Inventing the Characters Are my characters real or made up? (Or a combination of both?) Do I need models?
Writing & Editing the Manuscript Am I willing to rewrite and rewrite some more until I have done my best work? Have I double-checked my facts?
Creating the Font Whose handwriting will work for this book? Will it match the attitude of the story?
Draft Drawings What does the composition look like? Is there enough room for the text? Are the points of view varied enough to be interesting? What does my art editor have to say about them?
Completing the Final Paintings Do I have enough watercolor paper? Have I planned enough time to finish all the illustrations in time? Do I have enough reference materials so I can draw all the subjects cocrrectly?